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This Wikibase instance contains a curated subset of CEUR-WS proceedings data, originally sourced from Wikidata. The data was imported on December 5, 2024, using the WikibaseMigrator tool using the queries defined in Subsetting CEUR-WS from Wikidata.

The primary purpose of this Wikibase instance is to provide a dedicated environment for testing and developing data semantification methodologies without disrupting the primary Wikidata repository.

Check latest Proceedings

PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
SELECT ?proceedings ?title ?publication_date {
?proceedings wdt:P15 wd:Q13.
?proceedings wdt:P5 ?title.
  ?proceedings wdt:P13 ?publication_date.
ORDER BY DESC(?publication_date)

Try it!

CEUR-WS Entity Schema

Note: The listed entity schema are for Wikidata and thus use the property and item ids from Wikidata.